We Have an App for That!

Hearing Loss AppForThatIt appears as if every business has an app to support the customer shopping experience, but not many offer apps to help you after a product is purchased. We presently offer several apps aimed at helping you understand hearing loss and ensuring you get the most out of your hearing aids. Read on to learn about these apps provided by our manufacturing partner, Audibel, and the features they offer.Several of our hearing apps are used at specific milestones in your journey to better hearing. One such app is called SoundCheck. It offers a free hearing screener to test you or a loved for any symptoms of hearing loss. For new hearing aid wearers, Hear Coach offers auditory rehab games to help you re-learn how to perceive sound and understand speech. For current hearing aid wearers, we offer many user-friendly apps such as the T2 Remote app. It enables your smartphone to function as a wireless remote for adjusting your hearing aids. Another smartphone app, the TruLink™ Hearing Control app, connects to our Made for iPhone® hearing devices to offer numerous personalized options, including remembering your favorite locations and automatically changing settings to accommodate each.As you can begin to see, there are many apps to choose from and more are on the way! With these apps, more individuals can test for symptoms of hearing loss and enjoy the added benefits as current hearing aid wearers. To start your hearing journey or learn more about which iPad® and smartphone apps we offer, simply contact us