Make May a Better Hearing Month

Hearing Aids, Hearing Test, Better Hearing Month, AudibelEach May we celebrate new beginnings such as graduations, the return of green grass and the sounds of chirping birds. This festive month is important for another reason as well - Better Hearing Month! At this time of year, we reflect on the importance of better hearing and how our many patients have benefitted from hearing care.Yet for many, May is not a month of better hearing. All too often we hear from the children, friends or spouses of individuals that refuse to accept their hearing loss difficulties. These companions reach out to us in hopes of setting an appointment for a free hearing consultation on behalf of a loved one, but that person still prefers to not participate. What they are experiencing could be the important, yet easy to ignore, early signs of hearing loss.The signs of hearing loss typically include difficulty comprehending speech in noisy environments, straining to hear conversations on the phone, struggling to listen to music or television at normal volume levels as well as persistently needing others to repeat themselves. For close friends and family members, these indications are quite noticeable. As hearing loss progresses, symptoms occur more frequently and more severe changes begin to happen such as withdrawal from social events.Make May what it can be for all - a better hearing month! Whether it is you experiencing signs of hearing loss or a loved one, take the first step today. To do so, simply call our office or submit your information on our Contact Us page to schedule your free hearing consultation.